
Yoga and The Art of Exercise

About Me

Yoga and The Art of Exercise

Welcome to my website. I am a working mom who teaches yoga downtown. My yoga studio often features the art of local artists on its walls. I love everything that makes life more beautiful, which includes both art and yoga. I created this website to share my love of both of these things, but posts will lean more heavily towards exercise topics. Even if yoga is too "zen" for you, there are other forms of exercise that can help you appreciate the beauty of the world around you, including running and hiking. Read on for tips, tricks and encouraging posts.

How To Choose A Fitness Program

Fitness programs help you achieve physical fitness, mental health, build muscles, and other goals. You can enroll on a fitness program for strength training, aerobic training, balance and stability training, agility and coordination training, and mobility and flexibility training. The health and performance benefits of fitness programs are the main reasons why even the people who hated fitness classes in school take up a yoga class or a sport today. If you want to join a fitness program, here are a few tips to help you. 

Where are You?

The first step towards pursuing any fitness program is to establish the level of your body's fitness. Taking account of your fitness level is a proper way to pick the exact program that meets your needs. This examination is also essential in preventing injuries or discouragement if you fail in the course of a fitness program. You can assess your muscular and aerobic fitness, body composition, and flexibility. You can do some tests alone, but you may also request your friends, instructors, or other professionals to help you. For example, you can measure your pulse rate before and after walking for a specified distance. You can also estimate the time to walk for a certain distance or the number of standard pushups you can do in a session. Another essential step is to measure your body's mass index with the help of a professional. Other measures include the extent to which you can stretch, waist circumference, and other statistics that impact your specific fitness program.

Designing a Fitness Program

You might decide that you will exercise daily, but having a plan helps you develop personal discipline and commitment. In addition, creating a solid plan enables you to incorporate the details from your fitness assessment into the tour fitness program. The fitness program you design must prioritize your fitness goals. Whether you are getting fit for a competition or looking to lose weight, these goals must drive all decisions you make. Another issue you must prioritize is to create a balanced routine. Keep track of the combination of vigorous and moderate activities recommended by professionals in the course of a fitness program. 

Start Slow

The last problem you want is missing a business meeting or an important trip because you stretched too far or ran on the treadmill too much. Sore muscles are a significant disadvantage and also discourage you from continuing with the fitness program. Therefore, ensure you ease into every fitness program. Start slowly until your body adapts to the intense processes. You can also combine activities that complement each other. For example, you can ensure your lungs are in proper shape when lifting weights by jogging or hitting the treadmill. 

Blend the Fitness Program into Your Lifestyle

Most people fail to pursue a fitness program if it interferes with their lifestyle. You may not find an appropriate time for certain activities if you have a busy lifestyle. Therefore, ensure you can spare an hour during your lunch break to do yoga or several hours before work to jog. You may also replace your movie time with a schedule on the treadmill. Alternatively, you can blend these activities. You may run on the treadmill or ride a stationary bike while watching your favorite show. In the end, find a healthy balance by making a process that creates minimal friction between your lifestyle and your fitness program. 

Fitness programs need you to evaluate your fitness levels, design a program, start slow, and blend it into your lifestyle.