
Yoga and The Art of Exercise

About Me

Yoga and The Art of Exercise

Welcome to my website. I am a working mom who teaches yoga downtown. My yoga studio often features the art of local artists on its walls. I love everything that makes life more beautiful, which includes both art and yoga. I created this website to share my love of both of these things, but posts will lean more heavily towards exercise topics. Even if yoga is too "zen" for you, there are other forms of exercise that can help you appreciate the beauty of the world around you, including running and hiking. Read on for tips, tricks and encouraging posts.

Three Ways That A Holistic Wellness Coach May Evaluate You

When you're feeling unwell for any reason, it's easy to schedule an appointment with your family doctor. These appointments, however, can sometimes be unsatisfying. You may simply leave with a prescription for medication and frequently feel as though this is your doctor's approach for dealing with a wide range of issues. If you're looking for a different type of healthcare, consider visiting a holistic wellness coach in your community. You can see holistic coaches for a multitude of health complaints, and you may feel as though this person does a good job of understanding you and working to address the issue. Here are some ways that many holistic coaches will evaluate you.

Your Diet

Holistic coaches aim to look at your body as a whole, rather than only look at whatever complaint has brought you into their clinic. Your practitioner believes that the diet you consume has a significant role in your overall health, so whether you're complaining about inflammation in your joints, headaches, skin conditions, or something else, don't be surprised if your holistic practitioner wants you to outline your diet. In some cases, they may make immediate recommendations about foods to eliminate or other foods to add. In other cases, they may recommend that you to go on an elimination diet to help assess which foods might be problematic for you.

Your Stress

Stress is something that many holistic coaches will also want to know about. They're aware that your mental health can have a role in creating or worsening a number of physical conditions, including headaches. Be prepared to talk honestly about your stress levels. Unlike a conventional physician, who may simply write you a prescription for anti-stress medication if you complain about stress, your holistic coach may advocate things such as exercise or even mediation as a way of managing your stress without drugs.

Your Lifestyle

Lifestyle is a broad term that encompasses many different elements, but a holistic coach will commonly want to learn about your overall lifestyle as a way of elevating your health complaint and helping you. For example, one key element of your lifestyle is how much exercise you get daily, and what type of exercise you enjoy. A lack of exercise can often have a link with different health issues. If your complaint is back pain, your practitioner might advocate going for a daily walk instead of recommending the use of medication to treat the issue.