
Yoga and The Art of Exercise

About Me

Yoga and The Art of Exercise

Welcome to my website. I am a working mom who teaches yoga downtown. My yoga studio often features the art of local artists on its walls. I love everything that makes life more beautiful, which includes both art and yoga. I created this website to share my love of both of these things, but posts will lean more heavily towards exercise topics. Even if yoga is too "zen" for you, there are other forms of exercise that can help you appreciate the beauty of the world around you, including running and hiking. Read on for tips, tricks and encouraging posts.

Why Encourage Your Daughter To Join A Volleyball Club?

You want your daughter to have the best opportunity she can to thrive in her social life. Exercise is a great way to stay fit and meet new people when the right activities are encouraged. Your daughter may thrive in joining a volleyball club for girls or general youth. This type of club may be organized by her school officials, or be planned by her church group, a training facility, your local gym, or just as a community sports event.

Why have your child join a volleyball club? Here are a few reasons how this endeavor may benefit her.

Learning teamwork skills

Volleyball is a team sport, where every player has a role that is vital to making the whole team work. Your daughter will learn how to work as a team by listening to her peers and using her spot on the team to boost and help others. If your daughter has issues with communicating her needs and listening or responding to the needs of others, then volleyball can come in helpful for her.

Learning exercise discipline

Your daughter will learn to stay disciplined with her exercise routine if you have her join a volleyball club. Your child will have practices to attend, which will help her stay fit in between games, and will be encouraged to do her own volleyball practices at home by herself by her coach and teammates. You want your child to enjoy staying fit and challenging her body, which can be done by joining a volleyball club.

Learning to socialize well

Whether your daughter is already a social butterfly or she struggles to interact with people around her due to shyness or other issues, being part of a volleyball club will help boost her confidence in healthy ways. Your daughter will learn to socialize in a positive manner, sharing like interests with others and engaging in teamwork skills and other things that will benefit her and her team overall.

When you let your daughter branch out by joining a girl's volleyball team, you give her a great shot at being part of something vital. Allow your daughter to be part of a volleyball club for a single season at first to see how she likes it, then have her continue on and progress in other exercise and sports activities as she sees fit. When your daughter realizes how good she can be at a sport, her ability to stay fit and happy can rise.